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01/15/2008 Tri Board Meeting

Tri- Board Meeting

Town Council, Board of Finance, Board of Education
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Middle School Media Center

Members Present:
Town Council: Melissa Engel, Bill Divine, Chris Goff, Tom Cordeiro, Scott Minnick, Susan Weintraub and John Tuttle

Board of Finance: Ted Hintz, Sharon Kjellquist, Judy Isele, Kurt Comisky, Henry Thorpe, Barbara Moore, and George Pfaffenbach

Board of Education: Michael Vasquenza, Alan Hurst, Sheila Wall, Joanne Barmasse, Deborah Pessoni, Debra Robinson, Glenn G. Gemma ,Margaret W. Jacobson and Donald Coolican

The meeting was called to order by Town Council Chair Melissa Engel at 7:00 PM followed by the pledge of allegiance.

Introduction:  Melissa Engel welcomed everyone.

Town Council Budget Policy Statement:  Tom Cordeiro distributed a draft copy of the budget policy statement. There was general discussion amongst the board members.

Sharon Kjellquist and Bobby Ashton, members of the Town Technology Committee gave a presentation to the boards on their recommendations.

Public Comment – Members of the public commented on the 2008-2009 budget.

Adjournment:  At 8:05 P.M. Ted Hintz motioned to adjourn and was seconded by
Sharon Kjellquist.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Jylkka, Finance Director